My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and grandparents

Missie and grandparents

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie and I went to Canada in October

Missie and I went to Canada in October
Mom and Jim

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.
has a recliner and little refrig.

Missie wanted her room lime green and black

Missie wanted her room lime green and black
turned out very nice!

Left side of kitchen

Left side of kitchen

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Other half of living room

Other half of living room

Part of living room

Part of living room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Our new home!

Our new home!

Jr.s shop

Jr.s shop

2 car garage

2 car garage

This is the only way it would let me post :(

Here it is December, where has time gone. I just realized this a.m. I have not posted pics of our new home, where we moved to in May. I am really bad at blogging now :( Preston is doing great! He did have a cold, but other than that, he is doing well! We are so thankful for that.Missie loves Union Bible Academy. She has moved into the dorm so she won't have to drive 1 1/2 hrs/day and during winter it would have been hard. She loves living in dorm and having her friends there. She is in choir and absolutely loves that and travels when they travel. She is maintaining a B average, and that is great! It was a big switch to switch from ACE cirriculum to textbooks, but she has done very well. We love our home, and spending our first holidays in it! Will post some pics.

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston after his surgery

Preston after his surgery

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've been tagged

Ok, I have been tagged by Cathy, so here goes!

What I was doing ten years ago. I was a pastor's wife for Savannah Bible Methodist Church in Savannah, TN; mom to Preston who was 10 and Missie who was almost 4. Wow, that seems so long ago!!!

Five things on my to-do list today - bake cinnamon rolls, bake cinnamon swirl bread and a cake, cut both my guys' hair, strip beds and wash all bedding.

Snacks that I enjoy - cherries in dip, 3 muskateers bar, honey buns, chocolate cake

What I would do I were a billionaire - pay off all of the bills we owe, buy another vehicle and a bigger house in another state, and put Missie in a holiness school.

3 of my bad habits - finishing people's sentences for them; asking a question then not concentrating on the answer and having to ask the same question a while later, being on computer too much.

Places I have lived - Roblin, Ontario Canada; Thomasville, NC; Lexington, NC, Savannah, TN; Easley, SC

Five jobs I have had - pastor's wife, wife to my hubby, and mom to my children; cleaning houses, typist in a food packing company before I was married.

Ok, that's it. I tag Renee Deaton, Happybunny, Hannah Talley, Lorie, and Les Clark!

1 comment:

CountryMouse said...

Thank You for tagging me - its the firat tag I have had. I will work on it and post it this week.
Take care.