My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and grandparents

Missie and grandparents

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie and I went to Canada in October

Missie and I went to Canada in October
Mom and Jim

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.
has a recliner and little refrig.

Missie wanted her room lime green and black

Missie wanted her room lime green and black
turned out very nice!

Left side of kitchen

Left side of kitchen

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Other half of living room

Other half of living room

Part of living room

Part of living room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Our new home!

Our new home!

Jr.s shop

Jr.s shop

2 car garage

2 car garage

This is the only way it would let me post :(

Here it is December, where has time gone. I just realized this a.m. I have not posted pics of our new home, where we moved to in May. I am really bad at blogging now :( Preston is doing great! He did have a cold, but other than that, he is doing well! We are so thankful for that.Missie loves Union Bible Academy. She has moved into the dorm so she won't have to drive 1 1/2 hrs/day and during winter it would have been hard. She loves living in dorm and having her friends there. She is in choir and absolutely loves that and travels when they travel. She is maintaining a B average, and that is great! It was a big switch to switch from ACE cirriculum to textbooks, but she has done very well. We love our home, and spending our first holidays in it! Will post some pics.

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston after his surgery

Preston after his surgery

Friday, June 20, 2008

Preston is 20 today!

Unbelievable!!! My son is 20 years old. He had a good birthday this year. Last year he was in the hospital and very sick that day. I am so thankful to the Lord that he is so much better and happy on this his 20th birthday. But my digital camera has bit the dust! I am so perturbed! We just don't have the funds to go out and another one that will take good digital pictures. I hope we can soon, though.
Missie took a picture of Preston on her phone but so far we don't have the cord to download them to the computer, but when we get the cord, at least I will have one from today. I have one from when he and Missie shared the cake on her birthday, so I can post it. I will post one of his birthday last year and then this year.
He received $30 in money; and dvds for his gifts. He was thrilled when he got some phone calls and people sang to him; his nana in Canada; his grandparents in NC and he said when they got done singing he asked them who was off tune. I couldn't believe that! He then went on to say he thought it was Papa that was off tune. Only Preston would ask them something like that! LOL He is their only grandson and is very much loved; and they know how he is, so I don't think it hurt their feelings.
Missie's best friend, who he used to claim as his girlfriend and now tells people they broke up, sang to him too. So with his birthday supper last night, and a special cake today, he has done well.

Well, we spent over $200 to be told that Missie doesn't seem to have the "bad kind of arthritis" or a "connective tissue" problem, but she could have regular arthritis or fibromyalgia. I have fibro and my joints don't slip in and out of the sockets. I do not think it is fibro. Anyhow, he wanted to send her to an orthepedic dr. and I suggested Shriner's since we don't have insurance for her. He thought that a very good idea and they are referring her to Shriner's so we will see what happens there.

So that is the update on the children. Be patient about the big surprise; still needing to work out details and make sure family knows first, before the public does; if you know what I mean.

Until next time.


CountryMouse said...

Many Happy Returns Preston - You have done so well. Its so nice to see you enjoying your day this year and not laid up in a hospital bed. Am sure you will buy some lovely things with your money.

Norma Gwen Watson said...

Happybunny, he bought a parrot that records his voice and then repeats what he says. It is cute; he likes unusual stuff like that. Tonight I bought him a computer off ebay that he wanted, so that used up the rest of his money.