My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and grandparents

Missie and grandparents

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie and I went to Canada in October

Missie and I went to Canada in October
Mom and Jim

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.
has a recliner and little refrig.

Missie wanted her room lime green and black

Missie wanted her room lime green and black
turned out very nice!

Left side of kitchen

Left side of kitchen

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Other half of living room

Other half of living room

Part of living room

Part of living room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Our new home!

Our new home!

Jr.s shop

Jr.s shop

2 car garage

2 car garage

This is the only way it would let me post :(

Here it is December, where has time gone. I just realized this a.m. I have not posted pics of our new home, where we moved to in May. I am really bad at blogging now :( Preston is doing great! He did have a cold, but other than that, he is doing well! We are so thankful for that.Missie loves Union Bible Academy. She has moved into the dorm so she won't have to drive 1 1/2 hrs/day and during winter it would have been hard. She loves living in dorm and having her friends there. She is in choir and absolutely loves that and travels when they travel. She is maintaining a B average, and that is great! It was a big switch to switch from ACE cirriculum to textbooks, but she has done very well. We love our home, and spending our first holidays in it! Will post some pics.

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston after his surgery

Preston after his surgery

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beautiful Valley

"In this beautiful valley that He's put me in,
I'm learning to trust and draw strength from Him.
I'll not despise the lessons he gives,
For in this beautiful valley, I'm learning to live."

"The shadows around me, can't hide the Son,
Or hold back the dawning, of a new day that's come.
Jesus will hold me, 'til my trials are done,
And He'll ever be with me, 'til the testing is done.

When there's a lesson for learning, He'll take you aside,
To walk in the valley, but He'll be by your side.
Upon the mountain, sweet blessing He gives,
But down in the valley is where we learn to live."

I was looking through some of my many song books and found this song. I haven't heard it for years, but it is pretty much the story of my life.

Having a sick or special needs child, is the valley God has chosen for Junior and I. Why? I don't know; maybe because He knew we would give this special child the upmost care, love, and Christian training. I never would have thought I could have handled it; but I have for 19 1/2 years. I have questioned God about it. We were in the Lord's work and I loved it!!! I am more of a people person than Junior, but I did a lot of the interacting with people, and Junior preached. He did visit, don't get me wrong, but I visited and helped people a lot. Due to Preston's illness, we had to leave the ministry, as it put such a strain on Junior and I's emotions, body, etc., and we didn't have enough to go around of ourselves for our own family which included Preston and for others whom we pastored. Now we are being ministered too. This last long illness of Preston's is the only time we have had a church behind us, to support us in every way, and it proved to be such a blessing. Our pastor, Bro. Terry Going, and our people, stood with us during this long hospital stay, and still are praying for us, and what a blessing. We have had to accept the fact that we will probably never be in the ministry again. But next to God, we have to take care of ourselves as a family, and Preston is part of that family. Missie has very different needs and we have to care for her as well. Right now she is gone to youth retreat, and was soooo excited she could hardly stand it. If it wasn't for Easley Bible Methodist Church, she might not have gotten to go. But they paid the way for our youth to go and that is another blessing. I remember Jennifer (Hester) Going telling in Curtis' and her service at our church, that youth camp had helped her spiritually so much. Missie needs that extra boost, and to be with other young people of like faith. I cannot wait to hear all about it when she gets home. She needs to go to school. It is scary to think we have to leave everything here and move to another state, but we feel it literally means the salvation of her mind of and soul to be in a holiness school. I just have to say we have tried Baptist schools, and the last one just about did Missie in. They wanted to prove to me that Christians lie, and it all boils down to the damning doctrine of the sinning religion. Missie kept telling them over and over she was not guilty, and they kept trying to get her to say she was. I know she wasn't guilty, but I was involved in the whole situation with another student's mom, so I know! I cannot send her to a school that believes you can do anything, wear anything, look anyway and still be a Christian. And whether everyone agrees or not, the standards of these schools rub off on our holiness children. It has proven to be true. I said all of that to say this. If we want Missie to continue in the holiness way, we have to move. I know God is in control and will lead and guide us. After the New Year, Junior will be looking into jobs in PA, close to Penn View. There is a possibility of our moving to NC if he cannot get a job in PA. We have friends in NC close to a holiness school whom Jr. can work for, and the weather would be much the same as here, which we would like. But PA is Missie's first choice and ours as well, as she can go right on into Bible College after high school. Please help us pray God will open the right doors. He is able. But Missie cannot be put on the back burner because of all of Preston's problems. We have 2 very different children with very different needs, and that is a challenge. But Preston's illness and his qualifying for a nurse's aide in our home, frees up some time for me to take Missie places and do things with her. We are both enjoying that so much. But it is not enough. She needs young people her age to be with, too.

So that is my update. I feel I am starting to feel a little more normal or seeing a bit of light at the end of my tunnel. Not only is it taking Preston months to recover from it all, but it is taking time for us ALL to recover and I am so glad God knows about it all, and is helping.

Preston is getting much better about his walking! If he doesn't think about it, and is talking to me or something, he will be walking right along but when he thinks about it he gets nervous of falling and wants us to hold on to him. I have to post a picture I took last night of him and Jr. coming out of the bathroom, where he had a hold of Jr.'s suspenders.

You all keep holding us up in prayer.

1 comment:

The Grahams said...

Glad to hear Presto is doing well. Tell him we said "hey!"
