My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My sis and her grandbaby, Elizabeth, she is a doll!

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

My nephew Will, his wife Nicole and the newest family member, my great niece Elizabeth

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Mom, me, Barb and Myles (my sis and bro)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and Uncle Myles (my brother)

Missie and grandparents

Missie and grandparents

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie at park in Brockville,Ont. Canada

Missie and I went to Canada in October

Missie and I went to Canada in October
Mom and Jim

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.

Part of Preston's room, he has large room, calls it his apt.
has a recliner and little refrig.

Missie wanted her room lime green and black

Missie wanted her room lime green and black
turned out very nice!

Left side of kitchen

Left side of kitchen

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Right side of kitchen (sunflowers)

Other half of living room

Other half of living room

Part of living room

Part of living room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Part of our dining room, it is a large room

Our new home!

Our new home!

Jr.s shop

Jr.s shop

2 car garage

2 car garage

This is the only way it would let me post :(

Here it is December, where has time gone. I just realized this a.m. I have not posted pics of our new home, where we moved to in May. I am really bad at blogging now :( Preston is doing great! He did have a cold, but other than that, he is doing well! We are so thankful for that.Missie loves Union Bible Academy. She has moved into the dorm so she won't have to drive 1 1/2 hrs/day and during winter it would have been hard. She loves living in dorm and having her friends there. She is in choir and absolutely loves that and travels when they travel. She is maintaining a B average, and that is great! It was a big switch to switch from ACE cirriculum to textbooks, but she has done very well. We love our home, and spending our first holidays in it! Will post some pics.

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston and Missie before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston before surgery

Preston after his surgery

Preston after his surgery

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm back!

It is amazing how the days fly by, and I don't blog! If you have a facebook, you can see my updates quicker there.

Anyhow, plans for our Christmas have changed. We are not going to Canada to be with my family. The weather is just too cold and unpredictable, and Preston has to be bundled up every time we go somewhere and it is just too hard. So we are waiting until spring when it will be nice and go. Junior and I both have colds or sinus problems. I just don't have the energy to go on a trip right now.

So we plan to be here in our own home for Christmas. We are still trying to decide what we will eat that day. For Thanksgiving we had a big meal at the Fry's home, then I cooked a small ham and small turkey here for us, so we are not sure if we will have that again, or what. One year we bought lots of the good cheese and lunch meat, and all the fixings for subs and we enjoyed that.

Wed. afternoon both children go to the new doctor, so we can get referrals for both children. Missie needs a rhumatoid dr., she is suffering a lot more since we have moved. Preston needs a psychiatrist, neurosurgeon, & gastro-interologist. Preston is having a lot of pain and nausea in his side again, so I am going to request another ultrasound to see what is happening with the gallstones they found last year in SC. Anyhow, Jr. is getting off work at noon to take us to Lebanon to the new dr. A man in our church knows him and he is very nice! So that is a nice thing to know!

Sunday a.m. was our church children's program. It was very nice. I forgot the camera so didn't get any pictures. Tonight is the church Christmas supper and Missie went with the Johnsons, as the rest of us didn't feel like getting out. It is cold and everything had turned to ice when we got up this a.m. Missie was amazed that the leaves were even frozen, that were in our yard. The doors on van were frozen too. I was so sick, but had to go to bank and make a deposit.

Jr. is working every day, either for Mike Peck or our pastor. Last week he worked 32hrs. for our pastor and only 1 day for Mike. But today and tomorrow he is working for Mike.

Friday is Missie's Christmas party, and she will be off until after the new year. So now we can sleep in for a couple of weeks, yah!!

So this is the latest update!

1 comment:

urhis said...

Glad to see you posting agai. I've missed your posts. Have a wonderful Christmas season. The Avery's